haven't seen a paycheck in a thousand years
you text 'is dinner on' oh no i guess it is
but I don't want to face the horror
of opening my wallet and finding...receipts.
saturday and i've borrowed as much as I can
dinner's not looking good but I've got a smile on
a sad sort of facade for a kind of slow-dawning horror
I call in slightly sheepish tones
Afraid to seem cheap
but I do need somewhere to sleep that isn't a void deck
So i'll meet you at the coffee shop
dinner is at six o'clock
and it may not be an 'atas' place
but I won't have to sell my home just to see your face.
It's not that you aren't important
but love should be more than dollars and cents
especially if you've more of the latter
anyway I can't afford cheap gestures right now -
flowers i'm sad to say are
out of the question.
anyway money can't buy you love.
and I'll meet you at the coffee shop
breakfast is at six o'clock
and if tomorrow morning I get to spend fifteen minutes with you
then it's fine if it isn't air conditioned.