found this on sixtimesnine today. I'm pretty impressed with Drunk Adam.
1988, the Pixies

like an undelivered letter misses
the letterbox, ending up lightyears
away. the way wheelboats used to
hiss down the missisippi river the
way what bills itself as a wishing
well is just the nearest waterhole,
missing the point that critters in
wells don't fulfil destiny very well;
the way a chocolate chip misses its
cookie; popcorn its box. sand at low
tide, a cup without water, a sun
without a horizon,
the way one misses important calls,
buses go off impatiently. i guess
it must be fate, i hate to say this but
a miss is as good as a mile - i might
have to run that thousand after all.

the everyday heat
compresses my skin like an
unwanted creep
the buses hives
of people hiding from the rains
of unpoetic lives;
each waterfall
another promise the universe
forgot to keep
sleep- docking at the train stations
letting in wet shoes
last night's tricolor HD
dream, newspapers, and maybe
some people, underneath
a ruse. like
chameleons changing skins, the
world turns
differently, i've heard
apparently they found a new zodiac
sign; that must be why
we read the stars wrong