Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rustle of lips that meet
brushing past
In the streets -
Lovers deeply drunk
of Desire
Step darkly into the night -
it parts for them
like the gentle yielding
of a coy lady's limbs.

Music burns,-
the air grows thick with
stirrings of poetry
and ninety-nine red roses
drip dew incarnadine -

while hearts unfluttered yet repose
on hearths of love
like ice-glazed obsidian,
still unwarmed
by the fickle furnance
of cupid's platitudes.



thanks for all the fish said...

hmm this reminds me of the city poem we did for cts? the one where lovers eat each other. think it's because it sounds really hedonistic, people kissing randomly in the streets and all.

cept does it really need all the "-"'s?

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