Friday, May 02, 2008

I. mellifluous

Sweetly or smoothly
cascading dapples of
midnight blues &
lemon chiffons.
coralshades striate
a dash! of ivory,
a whisper! of bisque,
a hint! of chartreuse,
humming murmurs
flowing; melodious

II. ostentatious

showy; pretentious;

trying to etch a
presence, an
existence; but only
to leave behind
a hushed tone of
blurs of intense jazz
drone in the
within depths of
ambivalence, yet
played seemingly
to attract attention

III. pastiche

a piece of music
by paraphernalia,
stained with traces
of paranoia.
in the quiet tone
of pathos, I
envision that
you are just
another undistinguished
daub on my hued
psychedelic palette,
made up of borrowed
bits and pieces.

adam, thought you might like to know, this poem had nothing to do with you. i was feeling vicious at that time. lols. love ya anyhow. haha.


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