Saturday, August 05, 2006

has anyone seen a missing muse?
i lost her when i had to leave
my crayon doodlings behind
along with my stuffed dog
and my imaginary friend
i think i threw her into the box
of all the old stuff

but then i didn't know what i had done
and tried instead to have some grownup fun
with things like metaphors and run-on lines
instead of blankly spitting useless rhymes
but in the end- i was unsatisfied
with what those forms had given me to write
so- onwards! to the land of anapest
and there perhaps desire could find some rest

but the fates are ironic and never will give
to a man any feeling of rest or reprieve
so i wrote and i smote and i broke on the shores
the old waves of inspiring had muffled their roars
by the lure of harsh order my heart was deceived
through a strainer of smoke my desires were sieved
so the rain did no longer with torrentous pours
and the flame did no longer consume with its force

but now it's late to mourn my missing muse
i made a choice when i was forced to choose
although, at times, i look and sadly see
the child i was, and could have chose to be.


a adhiyatma said...

Damn, i like this too. Your last few have been very imaginative, I like.

Keep this up man.


Miao 妙 said...


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