Thursday, June 08, 2006

Number three from the old BB! Sorry for pushing your post down, Adam, but eh I've got to clear this backlog. Around 4 more to go, if I actually can bear to put up my prose ><

but enjoy! "some structureless stuff", sanity speaks.


i detest that falseness of the night.
where i sought sanctuary from the light of day,
i found pale imitate, futile escape.
that i would seek respite from clarity,
ask for the age-old bliss of ignorance
perhaps reflects in the night
some incomprehensible plight
i could never see in plainest light.

when too long the eye of heaven shines upon us men,
he turns as scorching as the very flames of hell
but there are those who welcome that illumination.
they who insist that man deserves a day
without rest or respite, or any pause
they are the priests of false shrines to light,
they are those who killed the lady night.

i now cannot find in any place her scent,
cannot trace her footsteps down any path,
except where she kissed the nightshades.
i lost her in the city of men,
she fled the pitch-black tarred roads
into the moon-lit wilderness.
i thought i found her in the fields
as i lay beneath her twinkling children,
but even there
in the middle of nowhere
the lights found us, and we had to part.

the one place where she could find solace
perhaps, a home too tragic for one as her,
was between the homes of the passed.
there was sacred ground,
and there she gladly made her home.
to the world, she belonged nowhere else.
somewhere nowhere nobody would disturb.

but that meant for me who sought her so dearly
that only in death would i truly find her peace.
so banished from the world of man,
alone, amongst those long past living,
night died giving birth to day.

so only in the counterfeit of death
can i be held in night's embrace.


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