Thursday, September 29, 2005

Structuralism, or maybe.

Crystalline pink,
the fire chills me to the bone.
I start to mumble,
talking to my imaginary friend.
He wants nothing more,
to kill me.

'If language is a construct of the mind,
are emotions, then, a construct of the heart?
What about the soul?
How do souls touch each other,
with tangible, harsh fingers?
Is that what bodies are for?
When we tingle, touch,
stroke, grind, hurt,
is it Us, or is it our souls?'

My friend replies vaguely,
nodding, shrugging, or a combination of both.
He's got no body,
you see.
It's hard for souls to communicate,
without being able to hurt,
without being able to touch,
they mumble something,
hear everything,
are nothing.



Derrick said...

It's got some very interesting lines, and I like the idea of a soul, the body being merely a vector. However, I think the line breaks break up the poem rather badly; it sounds unnaturally disjointed when I read it out; the way the lines are broken doesn't add to the effect of the piece.

Cheng said...

i like crystalline pink.

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