Monday, August 22, 2005

'Yea, for e'en as we speak, the world doth collapse, shaking the very timbers and foundations of existence.

On this day of fiery damnation and hellfire, only the truly faithful shall be saved. The Ark of Salvation shall stop, sprinkling only the believers with the cleansing power of Our Master, soaking and staining their lily-white garments with red, salty blood.

On this Day of days, yea, Son of Man, ye shalt be put on the rack, and called up for the Reckoning. Gehenna shall begin on the face of this very earth, and only the Blessed and the Chosen shall be spared the Reaper.

Rise, my Brethren, raise your plowshares and your rakes, turn them upon your fellows, just as Cain did unto Abel, so Man shall reap Man, sowing the ground with the Blood of the Sacrifice. Torch the humble dwellings of filth and poverty - they shall be purified by the touch of the fire, to become offerings which are pleasing unto the Master.

Slit the throats of the dozen cursed knaves, who corpulently sit. Nay, their blood shalt not water the earth, nor their flesh feed the soil; they have shamed their Birthright, shamed their Family, and are thus, to be cast out of the Divine Cycle. The ripping of their souls will provide no delight, no respite form the torture of Mortality.

Remember well, my Brethren. For as ye wilt reap, so shalt ye sow - the smallest child, the sweetest babe, all these are pleasing unto the Master, and it is thy sacred duty to satiate His needs, that He might render unto you, the things that are due you.

Remember this, and weep.'

- Excerpt from
The Book of Nazal


Derrick said...

Did you write this yourself? If so, yeeah. I'm hiring you as my speech writer, because thats what it comes across as. A speech, rather than a phrase from a book.
In any case... "to satiate His needs". I think a word/phrase other than "satiate" might get your message across better? Say, "pay your debt of blood" or "return to Him the life He gave you".

a adhiyatma said...

yeah, it does come across as a speech. things like 'nay', 'yea' and 'remember well, my brethren' are usually reserved for speeches. you know, vocal rhetoric.

otherwise, what's the purpose of this? just post a comment maybe explaining.

Derrick said...

The penultimate paragraph. I'm reminded of a particular Chaos Lord quote- "I go to... RENDer judgement".

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