Wednesday, August 10, 2005

we're all waging a war against a hypothetical 'self', against verbose french-sounding labels, against the fantasy of a daydreaming mind. middle-class, altruistic, asian, ambitious, dry clean only. they want a smile, you want the world, simple conflict of interest. does orange have to rhyme with door-hinge, does it always have to be i ____ you, you ____ me? very soon you'll find that life is but an exercise in vocabulary.

i'll continue pretending i know what you're talking about, and you'll be there to balance the equation, like a witty-conscientious-responsible-diligent-godfearing-leader. testimonial? no thanks. i want to be remembered. till then, take a number. have a seat. have a cookie. multiply, divide, convert to euros and yen, and tabulate this thing called Love that you boast of. would you like some fries with that?


a adhiyatma said...

*is t3h cheng fanboy* Lol. I like it. again, it seems kind of devoid of purpose, but maybe that's part of your message, eh?

a adhiyatma said...

aha. and what in the name of almighty cheeseburger-and-fries-without-the-pickles- is 'tweedledee'? what kind of title is that?

a adhiyatma said...

sorry bout the spam, heh. i'm pretty disjointed now. I've noticed you tend to split into 2 paragraphs, with long sentences in the first, short in the second. Intentional?
I find it gives a nice point-counterpoint shape to the writing.

Cheng said...

wow i never noticed that trend myself.

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