Sunday, August 14, 2005

The world is changing. The Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the Golden Ages, all those are things of the past. We don't need no creative thought, no smart asses, no rebellious self-important bastards.

We don't need no fucked up brats in society. We need good, loyal, dependable workers. Stuff that comes out of schools nowadays just don't make the grade. Too much creativity and you get a bunch of artists, advertisers and anarchists. Society is more fast-paced than ever. Slow down and the guy behind you runs you over and keeps going. No time for rest or relaxation, and your recreation is going to come from working. The world is going to eat you. Rebel, and you are like the shipwrecked sailor screaming against the relentless ocean. You sail on the stormy seas, or smash yourself on the rocks. There are no safe harbours, and even the strongest ship sinks someday. Learn to love the lash of the whip, or walk the plank. Any sounds and thoughts are drowned out by the roar of the hungry sea and the beat of the drums: one-two, one-two, row, row, row.

The sharks are hungry, so keep rowing or feed them.
Your choice.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather feed the sharks. They're endangered, aren't they?

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