Monday, August 15, 2005

Does this count?

No it's not the line from the noble start of Red vs Blue. Incidentally was recently featured in the ST. First season is definitely worth checking out, but you know the series is in decline when the highlight of the second season was a robot making a spanish music video.

Why are we here? (a student's lament)

Why are we here? Not why are we typing at our computer in the middle of the night, but why are we here, on earth, in school. School, where we spend approximately 12 of our waking and 2 of our sleeping hours every weekday. Looking at it that way, we spend more time at school then at home. Shouldn't it then become our home? No. No, because one is a place we go to willingly, while the other is one we have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of bed by the alarm clock to face. Because at one we can relax and feel comfortable, while at the other we devote ourselves to a wide, government approved plethora of subjects and topics, 90% of which we will never use in the future, but 100% of which affects your ability to choose that future. Do not damn the lawyer who cannot do math. Perhaps the most disgusting thing is that one life extends its dirty tendrils into the other, school making its presence plainly felt in the house by the sheer amounts of homework students have to contend with every day.

Glance into the past, and take a peek into the future. 6 years to a major exam, then 4, then 2, and then every year. And what comes after that? Working nine to five every day, with work taken home as well, if the worker wants to excel and make something of himself, that he may rise higher and do more overtime. Sounds familiar? When does it end?

Perhaps never.



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