Monday, August 15, 2005

Haha adam flamed this already but I think it's not dead yet. Time to make it deader. If I get universal criticism I'll discontinue it as a poem and write it as prose instead.

The thin black line

The thin black line, marking the start
Of the race; each man running
Different lengths, different courses
The end point remains the same

The thin black line, on textbooks
Drawn in by their owners, for study
To what end? When will the study
Or the line, ever draw to a close?

The thin black line, a scrawl laden on top
Bearing witness to the law, crime,
Failures, successes, losses, profit
Hopes, fears, the line goes on

The thin black line, marking the end
The finish, the race run, the distance
Measured, and found wanting
Counted, and found short

(A start to a never ending poem)


a adhiyatma said...

Lol. Let's start it off.
It would work better as prose. Other than that, I just find it rather humdrum... it's like, alright, i've read it, now what significance does it have? Why should I be affected? I recognise that it has a concept and idea behind it , but it isn't engaging, doesn't make me feel for anything or anybody.

Derrick said...

I completely disagree with your point. It would not work as prose. at all. That said... it feels very incomplete. Like you're driving at some point, but ran out of gas halfway.

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